

To simply configure PurgeCSS with next.js, you can use next-purgecss.


1. Install the packages

next-purgecss requires one of the following css next plugins :

Just pick the one that fits your needs. In the following steps, I will use next-css but it works the same for the other css next plugins.

For example, install next-css and next-purgecss :

yarn add @zeit/next-css next-purgecss --dev

or with npm :

npm install @zeit/next-css next-purgecss --save-dev

2. Edit next.config.js.

// next.config.js
const withCss = require('@zeit/next-css')
const withPurgeCss = require('next-purgecss')

module.exports = withCss(withPurgeCss())


By default, this plugin will scan components and pages directories for classnames.

Under the hood, next-purgecss uses the PurgeCSS Webpack Plugin. You can pass custom options to the plugin by defining purgeCss object in your next.config.js :

// next.config.js
module.exports = withCss(
    purgeCss: {
      whitelist: () => ['my-custom-class']

See the page dedicated to the PurgeCSS Webpack Plugin for more information.

Last updated